Terms & Conditions

1. Access to the Website

1.1 Access to the Website

Access and use of the Estate World Website does not require prior subscription or registration by the User. However, certain services offered through the Website may require subscription or registration, as well as the payment of a corresponding price. At any time, Estate World may grant its Users access to other portals operated by the company, using the access credentials (username and password) previously created.

1.2 Use of the Website

1.2.1 The User agrees to use the Estate World Website in accordance with the terms of these General Conditions, as well as with applicable laws and the principles of morality and good customs.

1.2.2 The User undertakes to refrain from using the Website for illicit purposes, contrary to the General Conditions, Mexican legislation, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that may damage, disable, overload or impair any manner the normal functioning of the Website.

2. Website Content

2.1 Ownership of Content

All contents of the Estate World Website, including text, information, graphics, images, trademarks, computer programs and other materials, are protected by applicable laws, including, but not limited to, copyright, patent, trademark laws. registered and domain names. This content is the property of Estate World and/or its affiliates, subsidiaries, content providers or authorized third parties.

2.2 Use of Content

Unauthorized use, adaptation, reproduction or commercialization of the content of the Estate World Website may be subject to sanctions as established by current legislation.


3.1 Use of the Website by Minors

3.1.1 Access and use of the Website and/or the Services offered through it by persons who do not have the legal capacity to contract or who are minors as established by applicable legislation is prohibited. In the event that minors or persons without legal capacity access the Website, they must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be responsible for all acts carried out by said persons.

3.1.2 Estate World is a constantly evolving community that has diverse users, some of whom may use language or offer materials that are inappropriate for minors. Although Estate World may monitor and take action against inappropriate behavior of other users or third parties, it cannot guarantee that all users comply with established standards of conduct.

3.2 Confirmation of Majority

By accessing and using the Website and its Services, the User confirms that he or she is of legal age as established by applicable legislation.


The User accepts that the use of the Website, its Services and contents is carried out under their own responsibility and commercial risk. Estate World is not responsible for any damage arising from the use of the Website, its Services or content.

If a User detects an advertisement that they consider misleading, fraudulent or inaccurate, they have the obligation to report it to Estate World using the reporting tools provided. Estate World reserves the right to take action against Users who fail to comply with these General Conditions.


Estate World does not guarantee the continuous availability of the Website and its Services, nor the absence of errors or computer viruses. Users use the Website at their own risk and Estate World assumes no liability for any direct or indirect damage arising from the use of the Website.


The Website may contain links to third party websites. Estate World does not endorse the content of these sites and is not responsible for the services or products offered on them. Access to third-party websites is the sole responsibility of the User.


The User agrees not to assign their rights or obligations under these General Conditions or make any unauthorized commercial use of the Website. The User agrees to use the Website and its Services diligently and in accordance with applicable law.


Estate World reserves the right to issue warnings, temporarily suspend or permanently cancel the account of any User who violates these General Conditions. Users may cancel the contracted Services at any time, but will not have the right to a refund.


The User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Estate World and its affiliates from any charge, demand or liability arising from non-compliance.


Estate World reserves the right to modify these General Conditions at any time. The updated version will be posted on the Website and will be considered sufficient notice to Users. The nullity of any clause will not affect the validity of the remaining ones. These General Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the User and Estate World.

11. Permitted Use of the Website

11.1 General Rules

Users must not use the Website to transmit, distribute, store or destroy material that violates the law, infringes the rights of third parties or violates the privacy or personal rights of other people.

11.2 Website Security Rules

Users are prohibited from attempting to violate the security of the Website, including unauthorized access to data, assessing system vulnerability or sending unsolicited emails.

11.3 Prohibited Uses

The Estate World Website can only be used for lawful purposes, and certain activities are expressly prohibited, such as the publication of false or incomplete information, the use of mechanisms to prevent its correct functioning, among others.

These provisions apply in the context of access and use of the Estate World Website. Any violation of these conditions may result in the suspension or cancellation of the services provided by Estate World, without liability for the company and with possible legal sanctions.


These Terms and Conditions were last updated on: 03/28/2024